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What explicit words pertaining to a girl showing her sexual desires or sexual need are allowed?

6:49 PM <Serenity> Garen? I have a question.

6:49 PM <Serenity> What explicit words pertaining to a girl presenting or showing her sexual desires or sexual need are permitted in the main room?

6:54 PM <~Garen> Uhh

6:55 PM <~Garen> I don't understand the question.

6:55 PM — +yuna{G} slips into the home, delicate rope curled around her like the squeeze of a vine so that loose silk cannot hide her curvy contours. She shares a ray of sunshine in her smile while stroking the dainty chains that flow from collared throat to soft cuffs.

6:56 PM <Serenity> Soooo.... can a girl, like yuna is going to do right now, kneel before you and talk about her sex, cunt, how wet she is, how much she needs you, etc. What can she say, words, specificially.

6:56 PM <MindFucker> yuna!

6:56 PM — +yuna{G} jumps at her name!

6:56 PM <MindFucker> wait, you knew yuna was going to talk about her cunt?

6:57 PM <Serenity> !

6:57 PM <+yuna{G}> Master MindFucker PHD!

6:57 PM — Serenity really TRIES to have this conversation without ending up under her furs, embarrassed.

6:57 PM <MindFucker> I mean, that is what you just said, right?

6:57 PM <+yuna{G}> Wait! What?!

6:57 PM — MindFucker now totally tries to make this about Serenity.

6:58 PM — Serenity laughs...

6:58 PM <Serenity> Nooooooooooooo.

6:58 PM <MindFucker> Although I am curious about the actual question, too.

6:58 PM <Serenity> Thank God.

6:59 PM — +cheeri{O} didn't know FW even thunk like that!

6:59 PM <+yuna{G}> I could say the c word this whole time? I've been slacking!

6:59 PM — MindFucker laughs.

6:59 PM — Serenity facepalms at yuna{G} and then dunks cheeri{O} again in the milk

7:00 PM <MindFucker> pure as the driven snow, are they, cheerio? or perhaps, as the milk in your bowl.

7:00 PM <Serenity> I have to KNOW so I can train the girls and let THEM know!

7:00 PM <~Garen> Uh, I don't think there are specific words. It's the act more so than the word that can be a problem.

7:00 PM <Serenity> Okay, that does not help me.

7:00 PM <Serenity> At all.

7:01 PM <~Garen> For example, if I were to grab yuna and repeatedly shove my cucumber up her vegetable pouch, that would be over the line, but no 'bad words' were used.

7:01 PM <+cheeri{O}> yes Master! as pure as the milk and stuff!

7:02 PM — +cheeri{O} got less pure reading Master Garen't post

7:02 PM — +yuna{G} squawks. "My vegetable pouch?!"

7:02 PM <~Garen> She's cheerios in chocolate milk now.

7:02 PM <+yuna{G}> I'm using that next time.... you know .....

7:02 PM <Serenity> omg I never need to hear that again.

7:03 PM — +cheeri{O} heh

7:03 PM <Serenity> EVER.

7:03 PM <+cheeri{O}> klittle

7:03 PM <+yuna{G}> !addquote <Garen> For example, if I were to grab yuna and repeatedly shove my cucumber up her vegetable pouch, that would be over the line, but no 'bad words' were used.

7:03 PM <+xanthia{T}> Quote number 481 added.

7:03 PM <MindFucker> also we probably should go easy on mixing the milk and vegetable metaphors, it's getting weird.

7:04 PM <+cheeri{O}> lol

7:04 PM <MindFucker> (before that, of course, totally not weird at all.)

7:04 PM <~Garen> All I have to say is, if yuna is cooking stir fry, steer clear my friends.

7:04 PM <+yuna{G}> MASTER!

7:04 PM <+yuna{G}> So wait a minute ...

7:05 PM — +cheeri{O} wonders if Lady is planning the next challenge

7:06 PM <MindFucker> also don't put milk in it.

7:06 PM <~Garen> Joking aside, I think we draw the line at penetration, if a slave needs to have her cunt or her ass plugged, or a man wants to stick his cock somewhere, that's what the alcoves are for.

7:07 PM — MindFucker has clarifying questions, though he'd really rather make Serenity ask them.

7:07 PM <Serenity> ...

7:07 PM <MindFucker> yes, start with that one.

7:07 PM — MindFucker smirks.

7:08 PM <Serenity> !

7:08 PM — Serenity laughs

7:08 PM <MindFucker> ok, sure, and that one too.

7:08 PM — +{lara}RH takes a quick trip into the warm, welcoming kitchen, sparks of dark fresh grass hue locate quick the rack with bottles of wines and Turian liqueurs, grabs a couple, pressing them under her left arm and returns into the main, swirling around and wrapping her form in larl furs she picks from here and there, as graciously 'dances and pirouettes' her way towards the door, singing softly as if to distract the Masters from her real action. Pauses in

7:08 PM — +{lara}RH the door and turns if only for an ihn, flashes a naughty smile and a wink and calls out softly 'well wishes Masters, Mistress, slavies', before vanishes in safety of the night….

7:08 PM ← +{lara}RH left ( " The beauty of the outside begins its journey from within.” -Witness of Gor, p.51

7:08 PM <Serenity> Did she ask to leave?

7:08 PM <Serenity> That really irks me.

7:09 PM <Xallen> But not the theft?

7:09 PM <MindFucker> I was gonna say.

7:09 PM <Xallen> Youre ok with that?

7:10 PM <Serenity> That's for you men to figure out. And now that it's in your hands, I can not feeling the irkiness.

7:11 PM <Xallen> We should steel her bum virginity as payment

7:11 PM <Xallen> Steal

7:11 PM <~Garen> Steel her bum just sounds cruel.

7:11 PM <Xallen> With on of those knife block steels

7:12 PM <MindFucker> friction-y.

7:12 PM <Serenity> So she can basically describe her sex with any word that she wants to, right?

7:13 PM <~Garen> I mean... policing the terms seems exhausting. I think it's just a judgment call if things are getting 'too' lewd.

7:13 PM <Serenity> I think it all should be just fine.

7:14 PM <Serenity> That's my view. If a man doesn't like it, he can change it.

7:14 PM <MindFucker> At the risk of asking the obvious. What's the intent of the not-too-lewd-ness, Garen? (Not complaining. Clarifying.)

7:14 PM <~Garen> You may use 'panty hamster' but not 'pink taco', 'box' but not 'vajayjay', 'bearded clam' but not 'fur burger', 'honey pot' but not 'love tunnel'. I mean that sounds exhausting.

7:15 PM — Serenity just...stops.

7:15 PM — ~Garen whispers to MindFucker, "There are prudish free women about my friend".

7:15 PM — MindFucker laughs.

7:16 PM <MindFucker> so we're doing all this so Serenity DOESN'T turn pink? I thought that was the GOAL?!

7:16 PM — Serenity !

7:16 PM <Serenity> It has nothing to do with me!!

7:16 PM — MindFucker chuckles.

7:16 PM <~Garen> I mean, we don't want her to turn into an overcooked meat twinky.

7:16 PM — +yuna{G} reaches back with a delicate slink of chains over silk, and she unties the delicate knot of the camisk behind her neck, letting it spill forward and catch around her hips; she wanders topless over to her Master's furs, fondling her breasts playfully along the way, and then she sinks to her beautifully wide spread thighs at his feet, a scrap of silk barely covering her heated cunt. .. and then she helpful-to-the-topic purrs: "How may this filthy

7:16 PM — +yuna{G} little cunt serve you, Master?"

7:16 PM <~Garen> There's only so much blushing she can take before she melts!

7:16 PM — Serenity grins at yuna...

7:16 PM <Serenity> Perfect!

7:16 PM — MindFucker chuckles at yuna's enthusisam.

7:17 PM — MindFucker keeps Serenity away from the milk and vegetables.

7:17 PM — Serenity builds a wall around her furs.

7:18 PM — ~Garen just stares speechlessly at yuna, who manages to push what he had just said all the way to its boundaries.

7:18 PM <Serenity> BUT within the boundaries.

7:18 PM — Serenity pops over the wall and says that.

7:20 PM — +yuna{G} whispers... "Want to touch my vegetable pouch?"

7:21 PM — ~Garen looks about the room, deciding whether or not to break a rule he had just repeated out loud, then finally grins at his topless wench splayed so invitingly. He reaches down, whipping out his cucumber. Holding it in front of her, he rubs the tip on her lips before placing it gingerly in her hand. "Go make me a stirfry with this. Only fresh ingredients please. Keep it to 2 posts."

7:22 PM — +yuna{G} licks the cucumber. "Yes, Master."

7:22 PM <MindFucker> notthemilk.

7:23 PM — Serenity tugs cheeri{O} out of the milk and watches her drip.

7:23 PM — Serenity twinkles at her.

7:23 PM — +cheeri{O} fans herself

7:23 PM <MindFucker> lewd, watching a girl drip like that.

7:24 PM <+cheeri{O}> in a puddle!

7:26 PM <+cheeri{O}> panty hamster is funny

7:26 PM — MindFucker agrees with cheerio. That was a new one.

7:27 PM <~Garen> Yea... I had to google to find these, there's quite a few that I didn't know about lol.

7:27 PM <Serenity> One I could have lived my whole life without hearing.

7:28 PM <MindFucker> but we're here to broaden our horizons, no?

7:28 PM <+cheeri{O}> i googled hairless hamsters. They aren't so 'cute'

7:28 PM <~Garen> Mossy cleft, hoo hoo, foo foo, poony, furry taco, tuna taco, beef curtains, meat sleeve, cooter, coozie, vertical smile...

7:28 PM <MindFucker> and blessedly you left out one I hate even more than those.

7:29 PM — +yuna{G} truly bounces to her feet in her topless glory and flees into the kitchen with Master's cucumber. From the fresh baskets between kitchen and cool room, she gathers her peppers, onions, strips of bosk and bamboo shoots, oil and spices all. She laughs brightly while chopping, having wondered if Master would ever have her make the dish. "Extra spicy, Master?" She calls, sounding somehow mischievous, wagging a carrot in the doorway.

7:29 PM <~Garen> I mean there are some I skipped because I recognized them.

7:29 PM — ~Garen grins at yuna, "Yes, heated like the whore that's cooking it."

7:30 PM <+cheeri{O}> beef curtains...

7:30 PM — ~Garen didn't notice it in the basket before, but he certainly does this time. A carrot. My god she's got a carrot... He pales just a little bit.

7:32 PM <MindFucker> suddenly that whole cereal-milk thing is seeming downright angelic.

7:32 PM <+cheeri{O}> wholesome and angelic

7:34 PM <MindFucker> arguably, nutritious.

7:35 PM <~Garen> Apparently there are 100 different ways to say cunninglus too...

7:36 PM <~Garen> Some of them I probably wouldn't have recognized even with some context...

7:36 PM <MindFucker> Ok now I can only think of the Colonel Angus skit from SNL.

7:36 PM <~Garen> "Barking at the ape", "Clam-jousting", "Devil's kiss".

7:37 PM <~Garen> "Drinking from the furry cup..."

7:37 PM <+cheeri{O}> bird washing

7:37 PM <~Garen> I blame this on Serenity. I would not be on this webpage if not for her bizarro question.

7:37 PM <MindFucker> ok, but that skit is super funny.

7:38 PM <MindFucker> 50% because Christopher Walken is Colonel Angus.

7:38 PM — +yuna{G} can smell oil heating high in the pan, and at just the right moment, she slides in colorful heaps and the mouth-watering scent of beef and garlic and very hot peppers fills the air; she tosses pan around over flame, using a spatula til it's just done enough that vegetables are cooked but crisp. Soon there's a Kingly portion of stir-fry piled high on a plate, a fork nestled on the side, and she returns wielding the delicious serving. Kneeling, she

7:38 PM — +yuna{G} offers it up. "Your hot and ready stir-fry, Master," she winks slyly.

7:38 PM <+cheeri{O}> we must be looking at the same list lol

7:38 PM <+cheeri{O}> hat job, larking

7:38 PM <Serenity> Who says "bizarro"?!

7:39 PM <~Garen> lip-synching to the fish-fueled jukebox

7:39 PM <~Garen> WHAT?!

7:39 PM — +yuna{G} wasn't sure if he meant two posts without cutting and probably should have asked!

7:39 PM — ItalianStallion rolls out of bed after a nice few hour long nap and stretches

7:39 PM <+cheeri{O}> lol

7:40 PM <+yuna{G}> !down

7:40 PM yuna{G} was de-voiced (-v) by &Magnus

7:40 PM <+cheeri{O}> my favorite so far is "dine at the vagine"



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