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Facilitating the Freedom of Men through Slavery

<Serenity> This is about "Facilitating the Freedom of Men as a Slave."

<Serenity> It is said, in a Gorean proverb, that a man, in his heart, desires freedom, and that a woman, in her belly, yearns for love. The collar, in its way, answers both needs. The man is most free, owning the slave. He may do what he wishes with her. The woman, on the other hand, being owned, is institutionally and helplessly subject, in her status as slave, to the submissions of love.

<Serenity> Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 180

<Serenity> We are going to learn about men and their desire for freedom above all else, and this includes owning a woman and slavery.

<Serenity> In the book, Slave Girl of Gor, it starts out with a slave waking up in a meadow, she is collared, chained to a stone and naked. She doesn't know how she got there or where she is.

<Serenity> Several men startle her by yelling something at her in Gorean which she doesn't understand. Another man comes upon them and challenges them for the slave. This man wins and the two original men leave.

<Serenity> The challenging man removes the bindings on the girl's ankles but leaves the ones on her wrists behind her back. He then turns and starts to walk away.

<Serenity> The stranger stood watching them go. He watched them

<Serenity> until they disappeared in the distance.

<Serenity> He removed his spear from the shield which it had

<Serenity> penetrated. He thrust it, upright, butt down, in the turf. It

<Serenity> was like a standard. He sat his shield by it.

<Serenity> Then he turned to face me.

<Serenity> I knelt within the wide circle, torn by the blade of a spear

<Serenity> in the turf. I was naked. I was bound helplessly. It was an

<Serenity> alien world.

<Serenity> He began to approach me, slowly. I was terrified.

<Serenity> Then he stood before me.

<Serenity> Never had I been so frightened. We were alone,

<Serenity> absolutely.

<Serenity> He looked at me. I thrust my head to the grass at his feet.

<Serenity> He stood there, not moving. I was terribly conscious,

<Serenity> helpless, of his presence. I waited for him to speak, to say

<Serenity> something to me. He must understand my terror! Was it not

<Serenity> visible in my bound body, my complete vulnerability? I waited

<Serenity> for him to speak some gentle word, something kindly,

<Serenity> something to reassure me, a thoughtful, soft word to allay my

<Serenity> fears. I trembled. He said nothing.

— Violent smiles happily and listens

— kit`class flushes a little and nods her head.

<lotus{T}class> ...

<cadence{T}`class> Smiles

<Serenity> And once he released her... this is what happened.

<Serenity> I watched him go. I struggled to my feet, my hands still

<Serenity> bound tightly behind me. I looked about at the field, at the

<Serenity> signs of battle, the discarded shields, one deeply punctured

<Serenity> and cut, the scattered weapons. I looked at the great rock to

<Serenity> which, by the neck, I had been fastened with a heavy chain. I

<Serenity> stood in the circle torn in the turf. The wind blew the grass,

<Serenity> my hair. The sky was darker now. I gasped. Low on the

<Serenity> horizon I saw, rising, three moons. The man was distant now.

<Serenity> “Don’t leave me,” I cried. “Don’t leave me here alone!”

<Serenity> I fled from the circle torn in the turf, running after him.

<Serenity> “Please stop!” I cried. “Wait! Please, wait!”

<Serenity> Gasping for breath I fled after him, stumbling, sometimes

<Serenity> falling. “Please, wait!” I cried.

<Serenity> ....she takes off running after him.

<Serenity> Once he turned to see me running after him. I stopped,

<Serenity> panting. I stood in the grass, some two hundred yards from

<Serenity> him. Then he turned again, and continued on his way.

<Serenity> Miserable, stumbling, I began running again. He turned again

<Serenity> when I was some twenty yards from him. Again I stopped.

<Serenity> Under his gaze, for no reason I clearly understood, I put my

<Serenity> head down. He again continued on his way and I again

<Serenity> followed him.

<Serenity> ....

<Serenity> After a time he would look back, make sure she was still following him and then finally he went back to where she was.

<Serenity> This is what he did.

<Serenity> He regarded me for a minute or two, and

<Serenity> then, from his shoulder, unslung the shield, and helmet, from

<Serenity> his spear. From his belt he took the pouch and bota. He slung

<Serenity> them about my neck. Then, adjusting the straps, he fastened

<Serenity> the shield at my back. I staggered under its weight. Then,

<Serenity> carrying the helmet by its straps in his left hand and the

<Serenity> spear, lightly, in his right, he turned and began to stride

<Serenity> again through the grass. Staggering under the weight of the

<Serenity> shield, the pouch and bota about my neck, I followed him.

<Serenity> ....

<Serenity> Why do you suppose he put those things on her? After all, she was small, naked, weaker and clearly he could have carried them himself.

<lotus{T}class> So she is useful to him?

<lotus{T}class> In a way that doesn't.... ermmmm to make it clear, her place.

— Serenity nods.

<cadence{T}`class> So she could feel the weight of what she was asking

— kit`class nods in agreement to lotus.

<Serenity> Seems rather simple, doesn't it?

<Serenity> Now remember this passage as we I repeat the conversation that I had with Violent.

— lotus{T}class smiles and listens

<Serenity> Men desire freedom

<Serenity> Above all things

<Serenity> A slave needs to. Facilitate that freedom with her slavery

<Serenity> If she becomes too much work who is the slave?

— lotus{T}class sends a smile to Master DarkLord from the class mats

<Serenity> Does that make sense?

<cadence{T}`class> Yes Lady!

<lotus{T}class> Totally!

<Serenity> When women are like... Guide me, teach me, train me, beat me, use me, give me expectations , rules, structure.

<Serenity> Even i get overwhelmed

<Serenity> It's like..

<Serenity> Slowwww down

<Serenity> That's not existing for men though.

— kit`class nods softly with understanding

<lotus{T}class> Yeah, like male subs demanding to serve...

— merida-class nods and listens

<Serenity> That's not allowing a man to be free


<Serenity> Mastering a woman, and let you get all those emotions out, until you were reasonable and coherent again. All those things take time

<Serenity> I refuse to spit out lists of rules and expectations

<Serenity> That's setting any woman up for failure

<Serenity> It takes time

<BrutalHorse> Absolutely

<kit`class> that's discounting the work and effort it takes for the Man to do all those things. The idea is to be useful for Him - to bear burdens

— kit`class pops a question mark on the end of that

— lotus{T}class griggles softly

<Serenity> And the Master needs to Master himself, herself and her urgency to please.

<Serenity> As well as see her needs are met

<Serenity> Slaves are a huge responsibility

<Serenity> It's easy to get overwhelmed


<Serenity> Do you know why?

<Serenity> It takes away their freedom.

<lotus{T}class> ...

— Serenity looks at every one of them.

<cadence{T}`class> We are a burden

<kit`class> we (as slaves), place so much of our responsibility onto the Master - it can become a burden, with an especially passive slave.

<cadence{T}`class> A weight or baggage

<lotus{T}class> Its a huge responsability, and perhaps an investment too?

<Serenity> Hold your thoughts.

<Serenity> Silence.

<Serenity> Look how often women get emotional and overwhelmed themselves....

— BrutalHorse sips His drink and smiles to see each one of them ,

<Serenity> Men need to learn how to master THAT

<Serenity> The girl was following the man, she didn't want to be left alone, so... If he was like, look... If you're going to be following me, you're going to Carry some of my burden, my gear... And you better keep up



<Serenity> She facilitated him to be more free

<Serenity> He put her to work

<Serenity> He made her an asset, and less of a liability

<Serenity> Slaves cannot just be a liability to a man

<Serenity> They NEED to be assets

<Serenity> Or he loses freedom

<Serenity> And... lastly.

<Serenity> <Violent> Tell me, how many assets do we have here?

<Serenity> <Violent> And how many liabilities

— lotus{T}class listens and looks

<Serenity> Your challenge this week is to be an asset. No leashes, no cuffs, no bindings, nothing taken away from you and nothing added. Your challenge is to find out who YOU are, a liability or an asset.

<Violent> This Violent guy, is a smart man

<Serenity> Do you facilitate the freedom of men?

— Serenity grins at Violent

<lotus{T}class> I hope so!

— cadence{T}`class laughs

<Serenity> Btw, he did not know I was using this as my class today.

— Serenity :)

<Serenity> Surprise!

<Serenity> Now you all may speak.

<BrutalHorse> or Do you facilitate them to get satisfaction to your emotions?

<lotus{T}class> Lolz.

— Serenity nods to BrutalHorse

<Serenity> Who is serving who?

— lotus{T}class tries to dosage eyes locked on the girls on the class mats

— yuna{G}|class 's wheels turn creakily.

<cadence{T}`class> There is always some give and take.

<kit`class> what are some of the ways we can be an asset to the Home, Lady..? Besides serving the Free?

<lotus{T}class> Good question!

— lotus{T}class listens

— merida-class listens wondering the same thing

<cadence{T}`class> But dont the Free have to offer how we can facilitate them?

<Serenity> And to reiterate, the man in the story? He was COMPLETELY capable of carrying his own gear.

— lotus{T}class nods slowly

<cadence{T}`class> Other than not making more of a burden

<yuna{G}|class> in thinking of some of the ways we become liabilities - sometimes emotionally, it becomes about our needs. perhaps a way to become more of an asset is to spend more time nurturing ourselves on our own time, in the ways that we can. not sure if that makes sense.

<Serenity> A man does not need you to be free. He doesn't need you to kneel at his feet. The beauty is, though, he can feel MORE freedom in your service to him. Finding a way to do that is your challenge. Expectations that he should be doing "this" but not that because *I* need. How can you ADD to his freedom.

<lotus{T}class> How, Lady?

<Serenity> So here's a good example...

— yuna{G}|class listens

— kit`class smiles to yuna and nods.

— merida-class listens closely

<Serenity> Often times I get very overwhelmed and so does Violent and Garen. One night Violent was having a really stressful night. He doesn't like to be angry. How do I know that? I pay attention. I learn him. So I went to him and I just sat at his feet and I said nothing, did nothing, and just told him I was there for him. We sat in silence for a long time. I GAVE him my time and didn't expect anything back. I had hope it would

<Serenity> help ease his burdens.

— lotus{T}class smiles

<Serenity> After a very long period of silence, he thanked me. He said, sometimes, that's all a man needs.

— kit`class smiles softly at Lady Serenity and then over to Master Violent.

<Serenity> So I can't tell you all how to be more of an asset.

<Serenity> You have to figure that out in your own minds, your own heart, and we can talk about it and try to help each other. But striving to be an asset and not a liability should be the goal.

<kit`class> yes, Lady - thank You!

<merida-class> Yes Lady, thank you for the example

<lotus{T}class> Great! Darn I wish I could stay but have to get ready for work *pouts* May I leave, please save me a snippet of what is yet to come?

<Serenity> Yes, lotus{T}class

<Serenity> Take care and good luck at work.

<lotus{T}class> Thank you Lady, I wish you well.

— lotus{T}class wishes the free well!

— lotus{T}class hugz the girlz and poofz

⇐ lotus{T}class quit (Nun.with@bad.habit): Quit: Not every ejaculation deserves a name (George Carlin)

<Serenity> asset


<Serenity> a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.

— kit`class smiles happily and nods.

→ Sennot_ joined (

— xanthia{T} winks at Master Sennot_. 'Xanthia has been waiting for you!'

<Sennot_> tal

<cadence{T}`class> Yes Lady!

<Serenity> Any questions?

<yuna{G}|class> No questions here. Lots of thinking ahead.

<cadence{T}`class> Shakes her head

<BrutalHorse> kit`class , now you can relate our first meeting and conversation with this class

— Serenity smiles happily.

— Sennot_ listens

<merida-class> Not at the moment, Lady, thank you, it’s a lot to think about and reflect on

<kit`class> I don't think so, Lady - I'm just trying to get the gerbil in my head to run faster.

<kit`class> yes, Master!

— kit`class smiles over to Master BrutalHorse

— BrutalHorse smiles back to kit`class

<Serenity> Lots and lots of reflection to do. And my hope is that you reach out to one another and share with each other, learn from each other. Oftentimes we can learn sooooo much more about ourselves from others than we can ourselves.

* MindFucker`afk → MindFucker

— Serenity smiles.

— merida-class nods...”yes, Lady”

<Serenity> Welcome back, MindFucker.

— cadence{T}`class curls up on the furs thinking

<MindFucker> thanks, Serenity

<merida-class> Welcome back, Master MindFucker

<merida-class> Greetings Master Sennot_

<Serenity> Take the next few minutes and I want you all to think to yourselves before you start serving again.

— kit`class smiles over to Master MindFucker. "Greetings and welcome back, Master."

<cadence{T}`class> Greetings Master MindFucker

<merida-class> Yes, Lady

<MindFucker> hello, kit. :)

<kit`class> yes, Lady - thank You

<MindFucker> howdy, serenity, and cadence

— MindFucker headdesks.

<Sennot_> tal free greetings girls

<MindFucker> howdy, merida.

— MindFucker pleads calorie deficit as he starts to eat lunch finally.

<Serenity> Oh!!

<cadence{T}`class> Greetings Master Sennot_

<Serenity> And one more part when the girl was carrying his things....

<Serenity> Sometimes I fell. He did not stop for me. I would struggle

<Serenity> to my feet, staggering under the weight of the shield, and run

<Serenity> to catch up with him. But then I could go no further. My body

<Serenity> was not readied for such treks. I was only a girl of Earth. I

<Serenity> fell. My breath was short, my legs weak. I lay in the grass. I

<Serenity> could not move my body. I lay on my side, the weight of the

<Serenity> shield upon my shoulder. After a time I sensed him standing

<Serenity> near me, looking down. I looked up at him. I tried to smile. “I

<Serenity> can go no further,” I said. Surely he could see my exhaustion,

<Serenity> my helplessness. I could not even move. I saw him loosen his

<Serenity> belt. I struggled to my feet. He did not look pleased. He

<Serenity> would have beaten me! He refastened his belt. He turned

<Serenity> away. Again I followed him.

— Serenity :)

— raela smiles brightly and skips into the room, swift sure step draws her to slave furs, into their warmth she kneels with adoring gaze swept low as she speaks

— kit`class chuckles

<Serenity> Someone please make sure raela gets a log of the class.

<Serenity> AND....

<Serenity> You all know that I have been very busy lately, more so than I have wished. I never want any of you to feel like I don't care or to feel neglected. Be an asset to me. I care about each one of you. Understand that. Know it solidly, confidently, and that goes for the other men of this home. We all give our time because Gor is important and so are the people here.

<Serenity> Class is officially dismissed.



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