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Dance Discussion taken from Tribesmen of Gor - in Turia

7:10 AM <Serenity> You can name your dance anything you wish.

7:10 AM <kit`work> ohh! it's not a 'category' so much as a name?

7:10 AM — merida-work laughs softly at kit, knowing she’ll be amazing

7:11 AM <Serenity> The "kitneedstofuckallthemen dance." is perfectly acceptable.

7:11 AM — kit`work blushes and beams at merida

7:11 AM — kit`work bursts out laughing, her cheeks bright pink

7:11 AM — merida-work bursts out in laughter

7:11 AM <kit`work> "lookatkitsbutt"

7:11 AM <kit`work> yes ok - I'll think of something, Lady!

7:13 AM <merida-work> Lady S, do you know when the deadline for entering is?

7:15 AM <Serenity> Well, the dance contest is the 20th...

7:15 AM <Serenity> so I wouldn't wait much longer than next week.

7:17 AM <merida-work> Yes Lady, thank you. I’ll think on it over the weekend, I know you’re right and that it would be good practice, if I can figure out how to dance that it

7:17 AM — merida-work smiles

7:18 AM — kit`work hugs merida tight

7:19 AM — merida-work huggles kit super tight

7:20 AM <Serenity> All women can ....

7:20 AM — kit`work squeaks at the tight squeeze

7:21 AM <Serenity> I'm going to show the dance that I was just reading...

7:21 AM — merida-work watches and listens

7:21 AM <Serenity> And the new girl, that has just been brought to Gor, and she is watching.

7:21 AM — nadira watches

7:22 AM <Serenity> There were bells, three rows of them, small and golden, thonged tightly about the

7:22 AM <Serenity> girl’s left ankle.

7:22 AM <Serenity> The entire floor of the chamber, shining, richly mosaiced, broad, reflecting the

7:22 AM <Serenity> torchlight, was a map.

7:22 AM <Serenity> I watched the girl. Her knees were slightly bent. Her weight was on her heels,

7:22 AM <Serenity> freeing her hips. Her rib cage was lifted, but her shoulders, relaxed, were down.

7:22 AM <Serenity> Her abdominal muscles, too were relaxed. Loose. Her chin was lifted, haughtily.

7:22 AM <Serenity> She did not deign to look at us. Dark hair flowed behind her.

7:23 AM <Serenity> At the corners of the room, helmeted, with spears, stood men-at-arms.

7:23 AM <Serenity> The girl wore Gorean dancing silk. It hung low upon her bared hips, and fell to her

7:23 AM <Serenity> ankles. It was scarlet, diaphanous. A front corner of the silk was taken behind her

7:23 AM <Serenity> and thrust loose and draped, into the rolled silk knotted about her hips; loosely,

7:23 AM <Serenity> draped, into the rolled silk at her right hip. Low on her hips she wore a belt of

7:23 AM <Serenity> small denomination, threaded, overlapping golden coins. A veil concealed her

7:23 AM <Serenity> muchly from us, it thrust into the strap of the coined halter at her left shoulder, and

7:23 AM <Serenity> into the coined belt at her right hip. On her arms she wore numerous armlets and

7:23 AM <Serenity> bracelets. On the thumb and first finger of both her left and right hand were golden

7:23 AM <Serenity> finger cymbals. On her throat was a collar.

7:24 AM <Serenity> _______________

7:24 AM <Serenity> I took another piece of larma fruit. “I gather,” I said, “you have information?”

7:24 AM <Serenity> “Yes,” said Samos. He clapped his hands. Immediately the girl stood beautifully,

7:24 AM <Serenity> alert, before us, her arms high, wrists outward. The musicians, to one side, stirred,

7:24 AM <Serenity> readying themselves. Their leader was a czehar player.

7:25 AM <Serenity> _________________

7:25 AM <Serenity> He looked at the girl. He clapped his hands, sharply.

7:25 AM <Serenity> There was a clear note of the finger cymbals, sharp, deliberate, bright, and the

7:25 AM <Serenity> slave girl danced before us.

7:25 AM <Serenity> I regarded the coins threaded, overlapping, on her belt and halter. They took the

7:25 AM <Serenity> firelight beautifully. They glinted, but were of small worth. One dresses such a

7:25 AM <Serenity> woman in cheap coins; she is slave. Her hand moved to the veil at her right hip.

7:25 AM <Serenity> Her head was turned away, as though unwilling and reluctant, yet knowing she

7:25 AM <Serenity> must obey.

7:25 AM <Serenity> “Come with me,” said Samos.

7:25 AM <Serenity> I swilled down the last swallow of a goblet of paga.

7:25 AM <Serenity> He grinned at me. “You may have her later,” he said. “She will dance from time to

7:25 AM <Serenity> time during the evening.”

7:26 AM <Serenity> ....

7:27 AM <Serenity> Now he sees the girl that was just brought in, bound, a slave from Earth, brought to Gor...

7:27 AM <Serenity> Samos stepped from behind the low tables. He nodded his head to cup

7:27 AM <Serenity> companions, trusted men. Two briefly clad, lovely female slaves withdrew before

7:27 AM <Serenity> him, kneeling, heads down, their serving vessels in their hands.

7:27 AM <Serenity>

7:27 AM <Serenity> To one side, stripped, bound tightly in black leather, hand and foot, straps crossing

7:27 AM <Serenity> between her breasts and circling her thighs, to which her wrists were secured, in

7:27 AM <Serenity> buckled cuffs, knelt a whitish-skinned girl, blond, frightened. Her shoulders, like

7:27 AM <Serenity> those of most females of Earth, were tight, tense. The tone of her body, like that of

7:27 AM <Serenity> most Earth women, was rigid, defensive.

7:28 AM <Serenity> _________

7:28 AM <Serenity> I looked down at the girl. She was terrified, miserable. “Tell her,” said Samos, “to

7:28 AM <Serenity> watch a true woman, and learn to be female.” He indicated the Gorean dancer.

7:29 AM <Serenity> _________

7:29 AM → Violent joined (Slaver@PortKar.Gor)

7:29 AM <Serenity> The blondish girl put down her head. I gestured to the guard behind her. He thrust

7:29 AM <Serenity> his hand in her hair. She cried out. Her head was rudely jerked up and back. She

7:29 AM <Serenity> looked at me.

7:29 AM <Serenity> I pointed to the dancer.

7:29 AM <Serenity> The girl looked at her horrified, offended, scandalized. She shuddered, and

7:29 AM <Serenity> squirmed in the straps. Her fists were clenched at her thighs, beside which they

7:29 AM <Serenity> were held in the cuff straps of her harness.

7:29 AM <Serenity> “Watch, Slave,” I told her, in English, “a true woman.”

7:29 AM <+xanthia{T}> Tal Violent!

7:30 AM <Serenity> Tal, and good morning, Violent.

7:30 AM — Serenity looks to the girls and smiles.

7:30 AM — kit`work reads avidly

7:30 AM <kit`work> greetings and good morning, Master Violent!

7:31 AM <Serenity> We are discussing dancing, and embracing femininity, and womanhood, Violent.

7:31 AM — merida-work turns a soft smile to Master Violent ...”good morning, Master”

7:31 AM <Violent> Good morning

7:34 AM <Serenity> The dancer was now moving slowly to the music.

7:34 AM <Serenity> “She is so sensual,” whispered the blondish girl, in horror.

7:34 AM <Serenity>

7:34 AM <Serenity> I turned to watch the dancer. She danced well. At the moment she writhed upon

7:34 AM <Serenity> the “slave pole,” it fixing her in place. There is no actual pole, of course, but

7:34 AM <Serenity> sometimes it is difficult to believe there is not. The girl imagines that a pole,

7:34 AM <Serenity> slender, supple, swaying, transfixes her body, holding her helplessly. About this

7:34 AM <Serenity> imaginary pole, it constituting a hypothetical center of gravity, she moves,

7:34 AM <Serenity> undulating, swaying, sometimes yielding to it in ecstasy, sometimes fighting it, it

7:34 AM <Serenity> always holding her in perfect place, its captive. The control achieved by the use of

7:34 AM <Serenity> the “slave pole” is remarkable. An incredible, voluptuous tension is almost

7:34 AM <Serenity> immediately generated, visible in the dancer’s body, and kinetically felt by those

7:34 AM <Serenity> who watch. I heard men at the table cry out with pleasure. The dancer’s hands

7:34 AM <Serenity> were at her thighs. She regarded them, angrily, and still she moved. Her shoulders

7:34 AM <Serenity> lifted and fell; her hands touched her breasts and shoulders; her head was back,

7:34 AM <Serenity> and then again she glared at the men, angrily. Her arms were high, very high. Her

7:34 AM <Serenity> hips moved, swaying. Then, the music suddenly silent, she was absolutely still.

7:34 AM <Serenity> Her left hand was at her thigh; her right high above her head; her eyes were on her

7:34 AM <Serenity> hip; frozen into a hip sway; then there was again a bright, clear flash of the finger

7:34 AM <Serenity> cymbals, and the music began again, and again she moved, helpless on the pole.

7:34 AM <Serenity> Men threw coins at her feet.

7:34 AM <Serenity> I looked to the blondish girl. “Learn to be a female,” I told her.

7:35 AM — kit`work groans softly under her breath

7:37 AM <Serenity> give me a moment....

7:38 AM — merida-work pictures everything in her mind, feeling it deeply as she does

7:38 AM <nadira> Greetings Master Violent

7:57 AM <Ian-Working> do we need to throw $1 bills ?

7:57 AM Ian-Working → Ian

7:58 AM — merida-work laughs softly ...”welcome back, Master Ian”

7:58 AM <Ian> ta

7:58 AM <nadira> Welcome returns Master Ian

7:58 AM <Ian> lmao - £1 coins don't really work

7:59 AM <nadira> Nooo lol

7:59 AM <Serenity> And I'm back...

8:00 AM <merida-work> Welcome back Lady

8:00 AM <nadira> Welcome returns Lady

8:00 AM <Serenity> So Tarl speaks to the bound girl as he forces her to watch the sensuous dancing slavegirl.

8:00 AM <Serenity> Thank you.

8:01 AM <Serenity> “She is so sensual,” said the girl, angrily. “How can men think of her as anything

8:01 AM <Serenity> but a woman!”

8:01 AM <Serenity> “You will learn,” I told her.

8:01 AM <Serenity> She squirmed in the harness, fighting its restraints. The straps, the rings, held her,

8:01 AM <Serenity> of course, perfectly.

8:01 AM <Serenity> “On Gor,” I told her, “it is the men who will be men; and the here, on this world, it

8:01 AM <Serenity>

8:01 AM <Serenity> is the women who will be women.”

8:01 AM <Serenity> “I do not wish to move like that,” she wept.

8:01 AM <Serenity> “You will learn to move as a woman,” I told her. I looked down at her. “You, too,

8:01 AM <Serenity> will learn to be sensual.”

8:01 AM <Serenity> “Never,” she wept, fighting the straps.

8:01 AM <Serenity> “Look at me, Slave,” I said.

8:01 AM <Serenity> She looked up, tears in her eyes. “I will speak to you kindly for a moment,” I said.

8:01 AM <Serenity> “Listen carefully, for they may be the last kind words you will hear for a long

8:01 AM <Serenity> time.”

8:01 AM <Serenity> She regarded me, the guard’s hand in her hair.

8:01 AM — Ian chuckles baby kiss me one more time

8:02 AM <Serenity> _____________

8:02 AM <Serenity> “You are a slave,” I said. “You are owned. You are a female. You will be forced

8:02 AM <Serenity> to be a woman. If you were free, and Gorean, you might be permitted by men to

8:02 AM <Serenity> remain as you are, but you are neither Gorean nor free. The Gorean man will

8:02 AM <Serenity> accept no compromise on your femininity, not from a slave. She will be what he

8:02 AM <Serenity> wishes, and that is a woman, fully, and his. If necessary you will be whipped or

8:02 AM <Serenity> starved. You may fight your master. He will, if he wishes, permit this, to prolong

8:02 AM <Serenity> the sport of your conquest, but in the end, it is you who are the slave; it is you who

8:02 AM <Serenity> will lose.

8:02 AM — merida-work thinks that’s pretty powerful

8:03 AM <Serenity> This part.... is especially lovely to me.

8:03 AM <Serenity> ___________

8:03 AM <Ian> hmmm will there be a pole on the dance floor?

8:03 AM <Serenity> She looked at me with misery.

8:03 AM <Serenity> The dancer moaned, crying out, as though in agony. Still she remained impaled

8:03 AM <Serenity> upon the slave pole, its prisoner.

8:03 AM <Serenity> “The Gorean master,” I told the blondish girl, “commands sensuality in his female

8:03 AM <Serenity> slaves.”

8:03 AM <Serenity> She stared at the dancer, her eyes wide with misery. The hips of the dancer now

8:03 AM <Serenity> moved; seemingly in isolation from the rest of her body, though her wrists and

8:03 AM <Serenity> hands, ever so slightly, moved to the music.

8:03 AM <Serenity> “You cannot even move like that now,” I told the blondish girl. “Yet muscles can

8:03 AM <Serenity> be trained. You will be taught to move like a woman, not a puppet of wood.” I

8:03 AM <Serenity> grinned down at her. “You will be taught to be sensual.”

8:04 AM — kit`work fans her face.

8:04 AM <Serenity> "You cannot even move like that now."

8:05 AM — merida-work hopes there’s truth in that

8:05 AM <Serenity> Think of every single YouTube video you see of a woman singing some song about love, or sex, or whatever, and she is touching herself repeatedly, touching her own breasts, her body, literally writhing as she sings out to whatever pain, or longing she has....

8:05 AM <Serenity> It's natural to see it there on YouTube... on a music video...

8:05 AM <nadira> Sensuality

8:06 AM <Serenity> We all accept it, enjoy it, both women and men... sensuality, yes, nadira.

8:06 AM — merida-work nods as she listens

8:06 AM <Ian> lol I'll have to get into modern music then Serenity

8:06 AM <nadira> Passion

8:06 AM <nadira> And love of being what you are

8:07 AM — Serenity smiles to Ian.

8:07 AM <Serenity> Samos, with a snap of his fingers, freed the dancer from the slave pole. She moved

8:07 AM <Serenity> turning, toward us. Before us loosening her veil at the right hip, she danced. Then

8:07 AM <Serenity> she took it from her left shoulder, where it had been tucked beneath the strap of

8:07 AM <Serenity> her halter. With the veil loose, covering her, holding it in her hands, she danced

8:07 AM <Serenity> before us. Then she regarded us, dark-eyed, over the veil; it turned about her body;

8:07 AM <Serenity> then, to the misery of the blondish girl, she wafted the silk about her, immeshing

8:07 AM <Serenity> her in its gossamer softness. I saw the parted lip, the eyes wide with horror, of the

8:07 AM <Serenity> kneeling, harnessed girl through the light, yellow veil; then the dancer had drawn

8:07 AM <Serenity> it away from her, and, turning, was again in the center of the floor.

8:07 AM <Serenity> “You will learn your womanhood,” I told the blondish girl. “And I will tell you

8:07 AM <Serenity> where you will learn it”

8:07 AM <Serenity> She looked up at me.

8:07 AM <Serenity> “At the feet of a master.” I told her.

8:08 AM — merida-work thinks that line is just perfect

8:09 AM — kit`work nods in total agreement with merida

8:09 AM — Serenity agrees.

8:09 AM → Suvia joined (

8:09 AM — +xanthia{T} smiles over to Suvia. 'Welcome Suvia!'

8:09 AM <merida-work> It kind of bring backs to me what we spoke about in private Lady S the other day

8:09 AM <merida-work> Greetings, Master Suvia

8:10 AM <nadira> Greetings Master Suvia

8:10 AM <Ian> Tal Suvia

8:10 AM <Suvia> Tal Ian

8:10 AM <Suvia> Greetings merida and nadira.

8:13 AM <kit`work> greetings, Master Suvia :)

8:13 AM <Serenity> So the men discuss their shipping issues... and return to the main hall.

8:13 AM <Serenity> Tal, Suvia - Welcome, my friend.

8:13 AM — Serenity twinkles charmingly at him.

8:13 AM <Suvia> Greetings kit`work

8:13 AM <Serenity> Been a while - how are you?

8:13 AM <Suvia> Tal Serenity. Thank you.

8:14 AM <Serenity> Yes, merida... it truly does.

8:14 AM <Suvia> I'm alive. :)

8:14 AM <Serenity> We are discussing dancing and this certain snippet of one of the books, and the sensuality of a woman.

8:14 AM — Serenity smiles.

8:14 AM <Serenity> Better than the alternative! I'm happy to see you.

8:15 AM <Suvia> I'm happy to be seen!

8:15 AM — Suvia goes over to the shadows to lurk and listen.

8:17 AM <Serenity> I rose to my feet. “Let us return to the hall,” I said.

8:17 AM <Serenity> “Very well,” said Samos. We left the chamber.

8:17 AM <Serenity> The belled left ankle of the dancer moved in a small circle on the mosaiced floor,

8:17 AM <Serenity> to the ringing of the bells, and the counterpoint of the finger cymbals.

8:17 AM <Serenity> Men lifted their cups to Samos as we reentered the hall. We acknowledged their

8:17 AM <Serenity> greetings.

8:18 AM <Serenity> ____________

8:18 AM ⇐ yuna{G} quit (veget@ble.lover) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity

8:18 AM <Serenity> The dancer whirled near us then enveloped me in her veil. Within the secrecy of

8:18 AM <Serenity> the veil, binding us together, she moved her body slowly before me, lips parted,

8:18 AM <Serenity> moaning. I took her in my arms. Her head was back, her eyes closed. I pressed my

8:18 AM <Serenity> lips to hers, and with my teeth cut her lip. She, and I, together, tasted the blood

8:18 AM <Serenity> and rouge of her subjugation. She drew back slightly, blood at the side of her

8:18 AM <Serenity> mouth. Fist by fist, my hand on the back of her small, delicious neck, preventing

8:18 AM <Serenity> her from escaping, I slowly removed her veil from her, then threw it aside. Then

8:18 AM <Serenity> with my right hand, the Tuchuk quiva in it, while still holding her with my left, as

8:18 AM <Serenity> she continued to move to the music, I, behind her back, cut the halter she wore

8:18 AM <Serenity> from her. I then thrust her from me, before the tables, that she might better please

8:18 AM <Serenity> the guests of Samos, first slaver of Port Kar. She looked at me reproachfully, but,

8:18 AM <Serenity> seeing my eyes, turned frightened to the men, hands over her head, to please them.

8:18 AM <Serenity> Never in all this, of course, had she lost the music in her body. The men cried out,

8:18 AM <Serenity> pleased with her beauty.

8:20 AM — Serenity smiles, and continues...

8:21 AM <Serenity> Those at the table paid us little attention. All eyes were on the dark-haired dancer,

8:21 AM <Serenity> the skirt of diaphanous scarlet dancing silk low upon her hips. Her hands moved as

8:21 AM <Serenity> though she might be, starved with desire, picking flowers from a wall in a garden.

8:21 AM <Serenity> One saw almost the vines from which she plucked them, and how she held them to

8:21 AM <Serenity> her lips, and, at times, seemed to press herself against the wall which confined her.

8:21 AM <Serenity> Then she turned and, as though alone, danced her need before the men.

8:22 AM <Serenity> "Her hands moved as though she might be, starved with desire...."

8:24 AM <Serenity> __________

8:24 AM <Serenity> I idly observed the dancer. Her eyes were on me. It seemed, in her hands, she held

8:24 AM <Serenity> ripe fruits for me, lush larma, fresh picked. Her wrists were close together, as

8:24 AM <Serenity> though confined by the links of slave bracelets. She touched the imaginary larma

8:24 AM <Serenity> to her body, caressing her swaying beauty with it, and then, eyes piteous, held her

8:24 AM <Serenity> hands forth, as though begging me to accept the lush fruit. Men at the table

8:24 AM <Serenity> clapped their hands on the wood, and looked at me. Others smote their left

8:24 AM <Serenity> shoulders. I smiled.

8:25 AM <Serenity> _________

8:27 AM <Serenity> Another device, common in Port Kar, is for the girl to kneel before the

8:27 AM <Serenity> master and put her head down and lift her arms, offering him fruit, usually a

8:27 AM <Serenity> larma, or a yellow Gorean peach, ripe and fresh. These devices, incidentally, may

8:27 AM <Serenity> be used even by a slave girl who hates her master but whose body, trained to love,

8:27 AM <Serenity> cannot endure the absence of the masculine caress. Such girls, even with hatred,

8:27 AM <Serenity> may offer the larma, furious with themselves, yet helpless, the captive of their

8:27 AM <Serenity> slave needs, forced to beg on their knees for the touch of a harsh master, who

8:27 AM <Serenity> revels in the, sport of their plight; does he satisfy them; if it is his will, yes; if it is

8:27 AM <Serenity> not his will, no. They are slaves.

8:28 AM <Serenity> ______

8:28 AM <Serenity> What woman has felt such need, such passion, such desire, and hated herself for it but was helpless to do anything but beg a man to for her insatiable needs?

8:30 AM <Serenity> ________

8:30 AM — kit`work nods with complete understanding

8:30 AM — merida-work nods knowing she has

8:30 AM <Serenity> I looked into the cupped hands, held toward me. They might have been linked in

8:30 AM <Serenity> slave bracelets. They might have held lush larma. I reached across the table and

8:30 AM <Serenity> took her in my arms and dragged her, turning her, and threw her on her back on

8:30 AM <Serenity> the table before me. I lifted her to me, and thrust my lips to her, crushing her slave

8:30 AM <Serenity> lips beneath mine. Her eyes shone. I held her from me. She lifted her lips to mine.

8:30 AM <Serenity> I did not permit her to touch me. I jerked her to her feet and, half turning her,

8:30 AM <Serenity> ripping her silk from her, hurled her to the map floor, where she half lay, half

8:30 AM <Serenity> crouched one leg beneath her, looking at me, stripped save for her collar, the

8:30 AM <Serenity> brand, the armlets, bells, the anklets, with fury. “Please us more,” I told her. Her

8:30 AM <Serenity> eyes blazed. “And do not rise from the floor, Slave,” I told her. The music, which

8:30 AM <Serenity> had stopped, began again.

8:30 AM <Serenity> She turned furiously, yet gracefully, extending a leg, touching an ankle, moving

8:30 AM <Serenity> her hands up her leg, looking at me over her shoulder, and then rolled, and

8:30 AM <Serenity> writhed, as though beneath the lash of masters.

8:31 AM — Serenity looks to the men present....

8:32 AM <Serenity> These girls may attack you soon after I finish with this dance portion lol

8:32 AM Ian → Ian-Working

8:32 AM — Suvia chuckles

8:32 AM — Serenity fans all of their faces, including her own...

8:33 AM <Serenity> So incredibly beautiful...

8:33 AM — Serenity continues onward.....

8:33 AM → +{iona}TS (voiced) joined

8:33 AM — +xanthia{T} winks at {iona}TS. 'Xanthia has been doing all the work again!'

8:33 AM <Ian-Working> greetings {iona}TS

8:33 AM Ian-Working → Ian-Meeting

8:33 AM <merida-work> Greetings {iona}TS

8:34 AM — +{iona}TS slips downwards, settling upon her knees... lush mahogany thighs part as the slave bends forward like a plant in the wind, voluptuous breasts melt against the stone tiles. soft hands glide forward, stopping just above her head.. a tender voice seems to sing as she begs...

8:34 AM <+{iona}TS> may iona please remain while she works?

8:34 AM <Serenity> Good morning, {iona}TS. Welcome :)

8:34 AM <Serenity> We are discussing dancing, and sensuality of a slave girl.

8:35 AM <Serenity> I am sharing parts of one of the books.

8:35 AM <Ian-Meeting> please do {iona}TS

8:35 AM <+{iona}TS> thank you, Master!

8:35 AM — Serenity continues...

8:35 AM <Suvia> Greetings {iona}TS

8:35 AM <merida-work> Which book is that all from Lady?

8:35 AM <Serenity> The dancer now lay on her back and the music was visible in her breathing, and in

8:35 AM <Serenity> small movements of her head, and hands. Her hands were small and lovely.

8:35 AM <Serenity>

8:35 AM <Serenity> She lay on the map floor, her head turned toward us. She was covered with sweat.

8:35 AM <Serenity> I snapped my fingers and her legs turned under her, and she was kneeling, head

8:35 AM <Serenity> back, dark hair on the tiles. Her bands moved, delicate, lovely. Slowly, if

8:35 AM <Serenity> permitted, she would rise to an erect kneeling position; her hands, as she lifted

8:35 AM <Serenity> herself, extended toward us. Four times said I “No,” each time my command

8:35 AM <Serenity> forcing her head back, her body bent, to the floor, and such time again, to the

8:35 AM <Serenity> music, she lifted her body to an erect kneeling position. The last position of her

8:35 AM <Serenity> body to rise was her beautiful head. The collar was at her throat. Her dark eyes,

8:35 AM <Serenity> smoldering, vulnerable, reproachful, regarded me. Still did the move to the music,

8:35 AM <Serenity> which had not yet released her.

8:35 AM <Serenity>

8:35 AM <Serenity> With a gesture I permitted her to rise to her feet. “Dance your body, Slave,” I told

8:35 AM <Serenity> her, “to the guests of Samos.”

8:35 AM <Serenity>

8:35 AM <Serenity> Angrily the girl, man by man, slowly, meaningfully, danced her beauty to each

8:35 AM <Serenity> guest. They struck the tables, and cried out. More than one reached to clutch her

8:35 AM <Serenity> but each time, swiftly, she moved back.

8:36 AM <Serenity> "Tribesmen of Gor"

8:36 AM — +{iona}TS rises and dashes to the work furs, kneeling once again, laptop nestled between her thighs

8:36 AM <+{iona}TS> i just listened to that this morning, Lady

8:36 AM <+{iona}TS> :)

8:36 AM — Serenity woot!

8:36 AM {iona}TS → +{iona}TS`work

8:36 AM <+{iona}TS`work> greetings, Masters!

8:37 AM <+{iona}TS`work> iona hopes you are all well.

8:37 AM <+{iona}TS`work> greetings, Lady

8:37 AM <+{iona}TS`work> greetings, girls

8:37 AM <kit`work> ... phew! that was beautiful, Lady - thank You for sharing!

8:37 AM <kit`work> and hihi iona! :)

8:38 AM <Serenity> It's not finished yet...

8:38 AM <Serenity> The dancer turned from the tables and, hands high over her head, approached me.

8:38 AM <Serenity> She swayed to the music before me. “You commanded me to dance my beauty for

8:38 AM <Serenity> the guests of Samos,” said she, “Master. You, too, are such a guest.

8:38 AM <Serenity> I looked upon her, narrow lidded, as she strove to please me.

8:38 AM <Serenity> Then she moaned and turned away, and, as the music swirled to its maddened,

8:38 AM <Serenity> frenzied climax, she spun, whirling, in a jangle of bells and clashing barbaric

8:38 AM <Serenity> ornaments before the guests of Samos. Then, as the music suddenly stopped, she

8:38 AM <Serenity> fell to the floor helpless, vulnerable, a female slave. Her body, under the

8:38 AM <Serenity> torchlight, shone with a sheen of sweat. She gasped for breath; her body was

8:38 AM <Serenity> beautiful, her breasts lifting and falling, as she drank deeply of the air. Her lips

8:38 AM <Serenity> were parted. Now that her dance was finished she could scarcely move. We had

8:38 AM <Serenity> not been gentle with her. She looked up at me and lifted her hand. It was at my

8:38 AM <Serenity> feet she lay.

8:39 AM <Serenity> ________

8:40 AM <Serenity> I gestured her to her knees, head down. She obeyed.

8:40 AM <Serenity> Delicately, timidly the dancer reached out, with her two hands, to touch my ankle.

8:40 AM <Serenity> She looked at me, agonized.

8:40 AM <Serenity> I signaled to the guards. She cried out with misery as she was dragged by the ankle

8:40 AM <Serenity> across the door and thrown over two of the small tables.

8:40 AM <Serenity> I would let others warm her.

8:40 AM <Serenity> The men cried out with pleasure.

8:40 AM <Serenity> Her final yieldings I would force from her later, when it pleased me.

8:41 AM <nadira> Brutality of gor

8:41 AM — Serenity gives all the girls fans and a goblet of water....

8:41 AM <Serenity> Did someone turn up the fire in here? Is it hot in here? I think it is.

8:41 AM — Serenity laughs merrily.

8:41 AM — merida-work gulps and fans herself

8:41 AM — Suvia grins

8:43 AM <+{iona}TS`work> it's all the robes

8:43 AM — +{iona}TS`work giggles

8:43 AM <Suvia> Suggesting some of them should be removed, {iona}TS? ;)

8:44 AM — Serenity just keeps muttering something about zinc and laughs at {iona}TS

8:44 AM <Serenity> “Either girl’s use is yours, noble Ibn Saran,” said Samos, “if you wish.”

8:44 AM <Serenity> “My thanks,” said he, “Noble Samos. But it will be in my own tent, on the

8:44 AM <Serenity> submission mats, that I will teach a slave to be a slave.”

8:44 AM — merida-work laughs

8:45 AM <Serenity> And that, my girls, is the end of that dancing portion of the book....

8:45 AM <merida-work> Wow

8:45 AM <Serenity> So, when people say "Oh they are so horribly written..." blah blah blah...

8:45 AM — Serenity smirks.

8:45 AM <merida-work> Powerful, Lady, thank you for sharing

8:45 AM <Serenity> I know they have not read them.



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