Dance Contest in #Turia - August 7th - Saturday - 4PM EST!
#Turia will be hosting a Dance Contest on the date of August 7th, all kajirae are invited to participate!
"There is no standardization, or little standardization, for better or for worse, in Gorean slave dance. Not only can the dances differ from city to city, from town to town, and even from tavern to tavern, but they are likely to differ, too, from girl to girl. This is because each girl, in her own way, brings the nature of her own body, her own dispositions, her own sensuality and needs, her own personality, to the dance. For the woman, slave dance is a uniquely personal and creative art form. Too, of course, it provides her with a wondrous modality for deeply intimate self expression."
Guardsman of Gor, page 260
Dancers must register to participate.
All Gorean dances will be accepted.
Three classes:
Beginners - In Gor less than 1 year
Intermediate - In Gor 1-5 years
Expert - In Gor 5 years or more
8 limit post on dances
All dances will be judged on:
Length of dance. 8 posts maximum.
Punctuation, grammar, spellchecked, flow, feel, easy to follow and understand.
Use of the lore and Gorean words overall.
Story; what's being conveyed, purpose of the dance
Personality, authenticity, emotions expressed, intensity, sensuality.
Overall form - Setting the scene, crescendo building, climax, finish.
Use this checklist after you have written your dance, as a quick reference tool.
1. Is your dance prepared in the guidelines and the theme of the dance you've selected?
2. Is your dance within the limits of the acceptable number of posts?
3. Does your dance flow in a smooth progression from one post ot the next? Read the dance aloud, does it sound right?
4. Spell checked, punctuation, grammar?
5. Did you include Gorean words?
6. Did you use repetitive words or movements?
7. Does your dance have clearly defined sections, beginning, crescendo, climax, end?
8. Does your dance express the who, what, where, when why of the dance you wanted to present?
9. Did you do test run in your chat to see if the posts will fit?
10. Does your dance SHOW and not tell?
11. Did you express yourself with emotions, sensuality, authenticity?