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T'was The Night Before Christmas - Turian Style

<Garinch> T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the Home,
<Garinch> No Free were stirring, no kajira dared roam.
<Garinch> The stockings were hung, by the alcoves with care,
<Garinch> In hopes that the Free Men would all soon be there.
<Garinch> The kajira were nestled all snug in their furs.
<Garinch> Not a kennel was empty, not even lissie's or grr's.
<Garinch> corinna in white silks and saya in yellow,
<Garinch> Had just settled down with nary a fellow.
<Garinch> When out in the main hall arose such a clatter,
<corinna> oh i remember this!
<Garinch> The slaves sprang from their sleep to see what was the matter.
<Garinch> Away from the kennels they flew like a tarn,
<Garinch> lissie slipped on a guest fur and cried out, "Oh darn!"
<Garinch> grr stumbled over lissie, not nimble or quick,
<Garinch> Atop her she muttered, "Okay just one lick!"
<Garinch> On rapid feet saya and cori they came,
<Garinch> They fell over both girls, and moaned "That was lame!"
<Garinch> "Now lissie, now saya! Now corinna and grr,
<Garinch> Get off of your sisters and back to the furs!
<Garinch> To the kennels with you!" Master bellowed, irate.
<Garinch> "Go to bed! Go to sleep! It is far far too late!"
<Garinch> Back on their feet, the four silkies did vault,
<Garinch> And three voices rang out, "It's all lissie's fault!"
<Garinch> cori ducked behind lissie, disappearing from sight.
<Garinch> And then just to tease her, she gave her a bite!
<Garinch> Master Garen shook his head, "Okay that's a bust."
<Garinch> To his chambers he pointed, "Now, go, if you must."
<Garinch> The girls scurried inside, hearts full and smiles bright,
<Garinch> Singing, "Merry Christmas to All and to All a good night!"


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