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Chapter 6 From
In Turian Library - Gorean Novels
Aug 15, 2021
If she may, Master, there is more to that quote. The girl is white silk and approached fearfully, woodenly, which is what the onlineism is based on, in part. Lana is corrected and made to redo the approach, and then she approaches as she would any other. she thinks there’s at least one other quote wants to grab, will edit it in or add it in another comment Master, whichever way You prefer. The exact serve she was taught 16 years is long gone, but this is similar: she was taught (and is aware it is an onlineism, just like bazi, sula-ki, karta and many other things): 1. approach the edge of the furs with hands visible, show there is nothing hidden in the girl’s hair, beg to approach His feet 2. kneel just within reach, clearly describing each movement as slow to medium pace, no frills, calm and collected are acceptable while overjoyed is not (unless serving Owner or Owner’s friend) 3. normal beg to serve 4. ask for vessel (leave it with Him, if serving from His feet), clarify anything else as normal 5. hands remain in His sight at all times, body cheating sideways as necessary, glances out to Him and noting His watching are definitely good 6. do not touch the rim of the vessel in any way, do not check it in any way, do not wash hands or touch any part of her body (other than hair during approach and hands on thighs while kneeling), never kiss the vessel or taste anything, no “sweetening” 7. Always default to an unopened bottle or bota when possible and serve from His feet, breaking the seal before Him. Hold the vessel‘s opening away from the body, pointing towards Him until opened and pouring. If serving water or from a tapped cask, note that it’s whichever was last used. she was *not* taught to carry anything upside down, ever. 8. once poured, a drink NEVER leaves His line of sight 9. offer as normal while holding the bottom, some Assassins will grasp the top to lift, others want it set to the side to pick up in Their own time. 10. An Assassin rarely takes a girl unless she’s served Him before and He’s familiar with her. Earning an Assassin’s favor is frequently harder than other Men.
Chapter 27 Nomads
In Turian Library - Gorean Novels
Jul 31, 2021
In this girl's opinion, Aphris is freed to give her standing among the Tuchuks, but she very much doubts that the relationship between the two changed. According to Outlaw, it's not unusual for a Man to free His slave to then make her His FC. There is no marriage, as we know it, on Gor, but there is the institution of the Free Companionship, which is its nearest correspondent. Surprisingly enough, a woman who is bought from her parents, for tarns or gold, is regarded as a Free Companion, even though she may not have been consulted in the transaction. More commendably, a free woman may herself, of her own free will, agree to be such a companion. And it is not unusual for a master to free one of his slave girls in order that she may share the full privileges of Free Companionship. One may have, at a given time, an indefinite number of slaves, but only one Free Companion. Such relationships are not entered into lightly, and they are normally sundered only by death. Outlaw of Gor Page 54 For a woman who can be comfortable being Free, being a Free Companion is the best of both worlds. There is no freer nor higher nor more beautiful woman," I said, "than the Gorean Free Companion. Nomads of Gor Page 290 But perhaps the best quote to demonstrate that their relationship might really not change too much is the following: "This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irratable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory." Priest Kings of Gor page 67 Other women would not fare as well if they were freed, in her opinion. she thinks that Kamchak knows that Aphris will not revert to the person she was and the attitude she had before. In the Tuchuk camp, she won't be in the same location with the same luxuries, and she would be less likely to default to what made her unbearable before.
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